Friday, July 20, 2007

week 11

A lot has gone on this week. I’m exhausted!

Had issues a few days this week getting him to sleep at night, at a reasonable hour.
I upped his ounces of formula to 3 but he’s still getting hungry every hour and a half, I’m not supposed to feed him no less then 2 hours, I can’t up it any more and sometimes he does last the 2 hours, but the doctor said to not give him too much, certainly since his little stomach isn’t that big and I don’t want him spitting up all the time, he finally slowed down on that a little. LOL. A little.
Had one night this week where he HAD to sleep with me.

He’s discovered his feet!
He’s making different noises now, more vowel sounds then utter gibberish, and one of them sounds like he’s saying yeah. SO CUTE!
Giving him water has helped out a lot, I know he doesn’t like having poopy diapers, but I think it’s so bad to not have a freaking bowel movement in 5 days! So giving him 8 ounces of water a day has gotten him a bowel movement every other day instead of every 5 days, so hopefully it will get even better.
He can play for up to an hour and a half before getting tired.
He’s been sleeping longer at night, instead of sleeping 5-6 hours, then waking up every 2 hours after that, its been pretty consistent with him waking between 2 and 3 am then not waking until 7 or 8 am unless I have to wake him up to take him to my Moms. This is letting me sleep in a little more and it’s making me more and more patient.
Chris bought this cool sling called the Over The Shoulder Baby Holder back when Isaac was a month old but not only could we never figure out how to use it, but Isaac hated the thing, well we finally got it working and Isaac to tolerate it for a little while. I think once the weather cools off and it’s not a freaking furnace in the sling he will like it more.
He likes watching T.V.
He likes looking at pictures from magazines. So far he has taken an interest in babies and Scooby, and a dislike to the Aflack duck LOL.

In other related news:
I think its time for him to start getting used to sleeping with out the help of his swing. For now I am going to see if he will nap during the day with out his swing, probably put him on my bed for now, so that when he sleeps I can be near by. Then eventually I am going to get that baby monitor working and see if he will sleep in his crib during nap time. If this is accomplished pretty easily not only am I going to thank God for it but I am going to eventually try and see if maybe, just maybe, he will sleep in his crib with out the help of the swing at night! One step at a time!
After this is accomplished, hopefully by 4 months, I am going to start to try and get him to not wake up for a midnight snack; I know that one will take a long time. But I have been talking to other mothers, and been reading some tips on how to do it. So just maybe by 6 months he’s in his own bed and sleeping all night long. With him being almost 3 months now, that leaves 3 months to accomplish all this. Sounds fair to me!
I finally got him scheduled to get circumcised. I’m still a little nervous about it though, I know its going to hurt him, but I think it’s going to be for the best. I’m hoping Chris can go with me; I don’t want to go alone!
I’ve been reading to Isaac on and off [pretty much when I feel like it] but we’re on our second book now, I want to make sure he gets a good early start on liking Fantasy novels so the first one I read to him was about dragons and now with the final Harry Potter book in my possession this coming weekend I’m going to read all 7 of those to him [also gives me a chance to remember what was going on once I get to the last book!]. Of course, I am skipping the bad words [they say damn a few times if I remember right] and probably going to silently read some of the more violent stuff, like the fights! I have some really cool young adult fantasy books I am planning on reading him, and then maybe I guess I will get to those trillion baby books I got in the closet!

I found a website: that you put in all these applications and resumes for babysitting jobs in your area. Just in case watching Celicity falls through. No hits yet, but there seems to be a lot of people looking for babysitters on here. You can even sign up for pet sitting as well. Hopefully I get a couple jobs to get some extra cash in my pocket to pay off my credit card, some bills, or something. So if you know any one who needs a baby sitter, or likes to baby sit, it’s a wonderful site.
In the mean time I will be helping my friend Katie’s mom with some house cleaning, with her Mom having a shoulder injury and just out of surgery she can’t do much, and I don’t think her Dad can either. A little extra cash won’t hurt right now!

So yes, it’s been a long exciting week with new discoveries and challenges!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Week 10

Another week has gone by!

Not much to say on frustrations, Isaacs been a bit fussy, but nothing new on that! Pretty much with his weight and size I have hurt my back from carrying him in his carrier so starting next week the car seat stays in the car unless Chris is around to carry him, because it just hurts my back way too much.

Accomplishments: Nothing new here really either. He's getting used to his bath times which is a real relief, he seems to have moments where its like 'omg so much water' and then he's off giggling once I mention to him that he's a nakkie baby. LOL. He's been getting in a lot of practice in smiling, giggling, and all those cute baby gurgles. He's found a new toy that he likes, some plastic keys – he likes throwing them at me, haha. It seems that he's getting better eye sight now too, if I'm sitting in my rocking chair playing with him and Chris is in the kitchen he'll watch him and smile at him, plus he discovered the cat – now that is going to be some fun! Those two are such great buddies and Isaac doesn't seem to be allergic to him either, which is a huge relief. That kid is getting so big!

Well my application to watch Celicity is almost done, I just got the test results back from the stupid TB test they make you do, and oh gee look I don't have TB – shit I could have told them that. LOL. Oh well, a week later and 40 bucks gone. While I was there I got weighed and realized that my weight loss has slowed a lot, lost one pound in about oh a month and a half… yikes all those soda and sweet indulges is catching up to me. What I really need is a good exercise plan, which is too funny to think about with an infant and sometimes a 2 year old around. Oh well, I'm not too worried about it, its not like I'm 200 pounds, I'm only 5-6 pounds over what I was planning on getting down to. NOT BAD! Tehehe. But, hopefully I get approved to watch Celicity [since its all going through some company] because my account is running low and will be in big trouble soon if nothing happens. It makes me a little worry some at times, looking at how many bills I promised I would start paying… Where's the money going to come from? So yeah, that's about it in this crazy life of mine. School is going good, I mean I hate the drive, of course, but 2 days a week I'm carpooling with my brother and some Wednesdays I'm carpooling with another classmate so it's not like I'm all alone a lot. So yeah, next week. J Probably not the same time, and definitely not the same place!!! HAHA!

Saturday, July 7, 2007

week 9

Frustrations: Nothing again to report this week, he's doing so much better!
Accomplishments: Still going strong with those smiles, laughs, and squeals. He discovered his nose, ears and tongue more this week, caught him with his finger up his nose once, he pulls on his ears [rarely], and he sticks his tongue out all the time now. He got his shots this week and survived, but he wasn't happy about it. Found out that he isn't scared of M80's going off or any type of firework.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

week 8

Frustrations: Nothing really to complain about this week, he’s still a little fussy, still has some potty issues [doesn’t go poopoo a lot]. I still don’t know if that’s a tooth growing in or not, hopefully I will find out next week.

Accomplishments: So as he nears being 2 months old he is now starting to learn a lot of new things! He has learned to make a clicking noise with his tongue, pick his nose [very rarely], stick his tongue out randomly, and instead of playing and giggling for only ten to fifteen minutes before getting upset, he is now lasting as long as thirty! He can pretty much hold his head up by himself if he’s held straight up or at a very slight angle and when he is on his tummy, but other then that he’s still a little wobbly with his head. He’s trying to crawl but can’t really manage to multi task quite yet, so, sometimes, its pull with arms… then later, push with legs. He gets so mad, but I figure with in the next few weeks to a month he’ll get it right. The best thing though is he’s sleeping more at night, and not with me as much. He’s still in the same room and refuses to sleep in the bassinet but by golly he loves that swing! I don’t let it swing all night, just until he falls asleep then it stops swinging and most nights he’ll sleep in there all night with only one feeding close to when Christopher gets up for work.

This week was a blessing compared to some, and its weeks like these that make me want to have more kids, tehehehehe. But that’s going to have to wait a few years!