Monday, June 25, 2007

week 7

Frustrations: I’m not too sure what’s up yet, Isaac sees the doctor soon so I can ask then. He’s been crying A LOT this week, but yet, he’s slept through the night. It threw me off big time, certainly when all of a sudden he’s been spitting up more and so , so , so fussy! I see a white bump on his gums, could just be a blister.. or he’s teething ALREADY. I thought he would be too young to teeth though, so I am completely confused and kind of worried.

Accomplishments: He can hold his head up pretty well by himself now, still a little shaky but doing a lot better and along with that he’s slowly learning how to hold himself up with his arms, that’s a big feat for him but he’s getting there. He can push himself around pretty well with his feet which is amusing to watch. Through all the fussiness there has been smiles and squeals of joy, which are getting bigger and louder! He loves the company of his Zebra… Need a name for him. Any suggestions? J

I’m doing better too, started swimming at a friends house this week so not only am I getting some good exercise but I am also getting a wonderful tan! I’ve been trying to get some pictures developed of Isaac so I can add more to his 1st year scrapbook but every time I go over to Crapmart [Walmart] the photo machines are broken some how, so if the next time I venture over there and they’re still down I’m ordering them online, I could care less if it costs more, at least I won’t have to worry about broken photo machines. The second week of watching Celicity was a lot better, she’s starting to get used to the fact that she has to be with me two days a week and not with her Gramma or Daddy so getting her to nap, eat, and settle down to watch a movie or “Boos Coos” [Blues Clues]. It definitely is giving me experience to handle an infant and a toddler when its time for to want another baby – haha.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

week 6

Frustrations: Not much new on this front, had one tough night this week and thank goodness it was a night Christopher could help out. Isaac decided to fidget and cry during his middle of the night feeding and it took us both about two hours to calm him down and get him to sleep.
Accomplishments: We all survived the first week of me going back to school, him being with his Gramma Dorie for a long period of time with out me there and me being able to part from him for a long period of time. Isaac discovered a toy this week, a little vibrating Zebra, he loves that thing to death! He sleeps with it in his swing and his carseat, and he giggles when he hears it rattle and vibrate. So cute! His giggles and smiles are getting better, he squealed with joy so loud once this week that he scared himself into crying for an hour. Poor thing. LOL.
Not much else, been a quiet week. I started watching Celicity this week, she seems to love Isaac as much as everyone else. She worried when he cries and can’t help but laugh uncontrollably when he giggles at her kisses.

Week 5

Frustrations: (#1) Even though Isaac is getting better at sleeping and not crying for hours straight, we still had one MAJOR slip up this week when it came to that. He just would not stop crying for hours and hours. Even driving him around in the car only subdued him for a little while. That was a really hard night, but alas, he did fall asleep eventually. (#2) Now that’s he is a little over a month old, he is starting to be more alert and awake during the day, which is really hard on me since I can’t do much. He wants to be held constantly which has left paperwork undone, and the apartment a complete disaster. (#3) I upped his formula to 2 ½ ounces every oh 2 hours.. and sometimes he’s hungry by 1 ½ hours.. after his doctor told me no more then two just a few weeks ago, but if I just give Isaac 2 ounces he’s crying for more with in an hour. I always worry that he’s going to get fat… but I don’t know.. >.<
Accomplishments: (#1) Smiles… Real happy smiles have come along. (#2) Along with those cute toothless smiles that isn’t gas have come giggles, happy squeals, and happy coos that just tickle him pink and makes me and every one else smile until our face hurts. (#3) He is getting really good at holding his head up by himself, which means less worry for me on making sure I hold his head up EVERY time I hold him.
He’s learning new things all the time, discovering new things to do, see, hear, taste even. I had eaten French Fries for dinner one night this last week and forgot to wash my hands afterwards and sometimes he likes sucking on my fingers, so he got a really good salty French fry taste off of that finger he was sucking on. The first look was complete shock then a cute lil’ smile probably saying ‘mmm, something other then formula!’ tehehe

Week 4!!!

Ooookay! Week number 4 was a lot less stressful!
Frustrations: (#1) Isaac didn’t really keep me or Christopher up at night this week, one night he woke up more then normal but eventually he went back to sleep. (#2) He refuses to sleep in the basinet, the crib for only a little bit, but the swing… he could stay in there all day if I let him. What’s going to happen when he can’t sleep with Mommy any more? (#3) I can’t take any online courses at school… So I had to ask my Mom to baby-sit 3 days a week L .
Accomplishments: (#1) Giggles!!! He can sort of laugh now, it’s so cute and he tries so hard and gets even happier! (#2) I believe he is starting to see better now, I think he’s looking at me LOL!! (#3) He’s getting better and better at holding himself up, getting his muscles up and working! Hurray!!!
Not too much of an exciting week but he’s doing really well and so are me and Christopher. Isaac hits his one month mark the 4th!

Week 3

This week wasn’t as stressful as last week…
Frustrations: (#1) Isaac only tried to keep me up once this week, and thanks to Christopher’s Mom, I got a full nights sleep. Lori offered to come over and help out one night this week, when Isaac was really bad. Poor little guy would not stop crying at all! (#2) The first two weeks of his life he slept the whole time in the car, now all of a sudden this week, he did nothing but cry every time I put him in the car. Hopefully its just a phase he’s going through this week and that maybe he will go back to sleeping next week. (#3) He fights so much during the day to take a nap, he cries and cries and cries until I play with him some more… I can’t get anything done, and I know that’s how it is with a new born, but even going to the bathroom is a challenge!
Accomplishments: (#1) His umbilical cord finally fell off this week, which means real baths for him! (#2) He’s really starting to hold his head up on his own, he’s so proud of himself that – guess what – he cries! (#3) He’s also getting the hang of holding the pacifier in his mouth on his own, so once its in, Mommy or Daddy can walk away for a while. Gives us about 5 minutes of freedom before it falls out of his mouth tehehe.
As for me, I’m feeling 100% better this week, but, I still can’t do much until after the 11th, when the doctor gives me the okay. No heavy lifting, no swimming. *sigh* That last one is the hardest, the weather out here has been so hot and being right by two nice cool shimmering pools… SUCKS!

Week 2

have now hit week two as a mother, and again there were new frustrations and new things to boast about as well!
Frustrations: (#1) Three nights this week, Isaac has not slept much at all, the first night I stayed out in the Living Room with him until about 4 am when Christopher was about to leave for work. I had a big scare that night when I had nodded off with Isaac in my arms while in my rocking chair, I had managed to jolt awake and both of us fall out of the chair. I hit my head pretty hard but no damage done to Isaac [thank goodness]. The second night Isaac seemed to have been a little restless,he did sleep all day as we were out shopping and he does nothing but sleep when he's put into the carseat. Then the third night his restlessness was back, and we spent the night on the couch. Christopher doesn't like the idea of us doing that but I don't want to keep him up on nights he has work. (#2) Crying, I know that infants cry a lot but Isaac has picked the worst time of the day to do nothing but cry. With Christopher just getting home from work, and me trying to cook dinner - he thinks its okay to cry and cry and cry. We end up not eating at the same time, one will hold Isaac while the other one eats. (#3) I can't clean the house.
The good times: (#1) Smiles - he is learning how to smile, and I know that it doesn't necissarily mean he's happy since infants can't really control much of their muscles and nerves, he could have gas for all I know. But he's got the cutest toothless smile ever and it just fills my heart when I see it! (#2) He's starting to learn how to hold himself up and hold his head up during tummy time and he gets so proud of himself! (#3) Christopher is such a wonderful father, he's been such a big helping hand. He can't do much on nights he has work the next day so I have to get up with Isaac every time, but whenChrsitopher gets home in the evenings he does a few feedings before bed and holds him while I cook dinner. The weekends is when he's a huge help! He gets up in the middle of the night to help feed or change diapers. I honestly wouldn't know what I would do if he wasn't around.
So theres week number two, all in all, a good week with a few tiring days and nights. But nothing I couldn't handle.

Week one of being a Mom

Week one isn't quite over yet, but I wanted to get something started while I had the chance. My Grandparents are heading out for the Mother's Day weekend and with my 4 day old son here, things are going to be hectic.
Frustrations: [#1] I had an episiotomy done and man-oh-man does it hurt to move, walk, sit, lay, ... everything. It's making the first week a little difficult due to my fiance Christopher [the Father] having to take more time off of work then expected. I'm just now starting to feel better, but its still hard. [#2] I needed to call and make the baby's first doctors appointment and now they are telling me he's not covered for some stupid reasons, and I made sure when I got this health insurance [because I got it while I was pregnant] that he was covered with out paperwork for the first month. He was then going to be switched to his Father's health insurance. Yeah well, now I am sitting next to the phone waiting for them to call me and let me know... But nothing yet. [#3] I really wanted to breast feed him but unfortunately the first few days of it showed that I don't provide enough for him, so he spent almost 24 hours with out one messy diaper - which means he wasn't eating. *sigh* The nurse gave me hell saying I just wasn't feeding enough but gave me some formula to take home just in case. Half way thru the first night home, he still had no dirty diapers and was upset constantly because he was hungry. Gave up, got some formula, he drank it all, by his next feeding time he had a full diaper. I think this was the most frustrating one out of all three, because now once I am out and about, people are going to give me a hard time for giving up so fast. But the way I see it, is he was going to end up back in doctors care because he was going to be constipated and dehydrated and malnurished because I wasn't giving him enough, and hey, the formula has been working good for days.
The fun stuff!: [#1] Watching him sleep is one of the most rewarding feelings right now to me, he's so cute and healthy and happy that I just can't believe it sometimes. [#2] Seeing him learn things so fast, he's already understood the idea of the pacifyer being something he has to hold himself, already trying to lift himself up while on his tummy, and one little whimper at night will get a nights sleep with Mommy. [#3] Just the whole feeling of Motherhood is something you can't even describe, but is one of the most wonderful feelings in the world. [#4] So far -so good no post partum depression!!!! I believe the 9th month of the pregnancy was my most unhappiest, I'm like floating on air most of the time now! :)