Friday, September 7, 2007

Week 14

WK 14
Frustrations: CRADLE CAP. All of a sudden Isaac got a nasty case of cradle cap. It’s so disgusting and nothing I seem to do is making it any better. I read some ways of possibly treating it online [like using special shampoos or baby oil] but oddly enough Wal Mart doesn’t even carry baby oil any more. How lame is that. So now I have to eventually scour every damn store out here to find either the shampoo or the baby oil. One site said I could use Olive Oil, but honestly now, I think baby oil is a lot cheaper to use. LOL.

Accomplishments: Real laughs. I heard a real laugh this week, its oh so cute. His ‘talking’ is getting better too, a lot more different sounds are coming out of his mouth now. He’s learning how to sit up this week, he things its so funny when he falls forward too. SO CUTE! He’s also learned to control his hands and arms better and has figured out how to reach out and grab things along with keeping things in his hands better

ME: J With me cleaning, and the promise to baby sit Celicity and my Mom hurting herself for the second time while watching Isaac I am going to be switching to the strictly online business course at ITT so that things are a little easier on everyone. Plus I borrowed some study books on real estate from Chris’s mom and if I think I am up to it by the end of the year or beginning of next, I might go in and test to be a real estate agent. Other then that, things are still super busy. If I don’t get these posted right away in the next few weeks, don’t fret, they will come. I’m just doing a lot of projects and studying.

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