Friday, September 7, 2007

Week 15

Frustrations: Where do i start? Its been a long and hard week. Isaac has his first tooth actually popping out this week and the poor guys been sick on and off. Been really fussy. Plus I know he's growing like a weed but I still worry about how much he spits up. Not only can I not wear the same outfit for no longer then two or three hours, but it just seems like he spits up too much. Plus he gets hungry after an hour and a half, but he can't eat any more then three ounces at a time. It just worries me. One day this week I was super klutzy and ended up squirting a little bit of baby oil in his eye [I've been using it to treat his cradle cap - which is going away!!!] while bathing him and now hes iffy of bath time when just a few days before he couldnt wait to get into the water. So pretty much we have to start the process all over again about bath time and him having fun. Makes me feel so bad.
Accomplishments: Of course his first tooth is coming in! :) He's been practicing all those cute sounds he's making. This week has been hard for him so he really hasn't learned many new things. He's been trying so hard to walk and crawl.
Finals are here, and I'm stressed. LOL. I think not having to drive to school any more will help out a lot. I am for sure doing the online courses all the way. It will be a lot easier on everyone.

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